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Sustainability Sync: The Key to Success

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Blog, Supply Chain Management

Sustainability: It’s more than a trending catchphrase or a box to tick on a corporate checklist. It’s the cornerstone of long-lasting organizational success, an essential pillar supporting an enterprise’s long-term strategy. Infusing sustainability into every department, especially procurement, is not merely beneficial—it’s imperative for thriving in the evolving global economy.

Here are eight key insights to empower your sustainability team in their interaction with the procurement department, helping to bolster your progress towards ambitious Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.

  1. Integrate Sustainability into Commercial Interactions 

Sustainability considerations should be a core element of all commercial interactions. Organizations need to integrate sustainability into the planning and execution of their strategies, making it a priority in every decision-making process, from choosing suppliers to defining KPIs. This shift moves sustainability from being an afterthought to becoming a pivotal factor driving business operations.

  1. Embrace Sustainability by Design

Encourage an organization-wide philosophy of integrating sustainability principles into every aspect of the business. This begins with design thinking, where sustainability becomes an integral part of creating new products, services, or solutions. By championing sustainability at the onset of every project, you ensure that your organization’s sustainability goals are closely linked with business development.

  1. Foster a Collaborative Culture

Creating a cooperative environment is vital to the successful implementation of sustainability initiatives. Promote a culture of collaboration among all departments, encouraging them to work together to achieve sustainability targets. This is the key to aligning individual team goals with overarching corporate sustainability objectives, leading to consistent progress.

  1. Establish Common Goals

Set shared objectives for your sustainability and procurement teams to create a sense of unity and purpose. By ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goals, you can more effectively measure your organization’s progress and identify areas that need improvement. This strategic alignment not only contributes to organizational success but also encourages cross-departmental collaboration.

  1. Develop Effective Supplier Engagement Mechanisms

Setting sustainability goals for your supply chain is important, but it’s equally vital to have a plan for engaging suppliers to achieve these goals. Implement engagement strategies such as periodic supplier assessments, capacity-building programs, and incentives to meet or exceed sustainability standards.

  1. Secure Leadership Support

Obtain commitment and support from senior management and the board of directors to emphasize the importance of sustainability throughout the organization. Their endorsement can accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices, especially when they set an example by integrating sustainability into their decision-making processes.

  1. Incorporate Sustainability SLAs

Include sustainability-related Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in supplier contracts. This ensures that vendors adhere to your organization’s sustainability standards, provides a clear benchmark for performance, and creates a shared responsibility for sustainability outcomes.

  1. Consider the Role of Budget Holders

Recognize that procurement professionals often do not control the budget and that the budget holders’ opinion on sustainability can significantly impact the outcome. Budget holders often have a significant influence on procurement decisions. Their views on sustainability can directly impact the selection of suppliers and products. It’s crucial, therefore, to educate budget holders on the importance of sustainable procurement and how it contributes to the organization’s broader ESG goals.

The long-term success of an organization hinges on the seamless integration of sustainability across all departments. These suggestions should help cultivate a strong, cooperative working relationship between teams, paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable future for your organization. As you continue to prioritize sustainability, remember that it is an ongoing process that requires commitment and adaptability from all parties involved. 

For our full list of tips on sustainability collaboration and other valuable information to help you understand and improve your interactions with your procurement team, check out our guide, “Speaking Procurement’s Language.”

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